Saturday, January 24, 2009


Shantel has been admitted again at Duke. We were so happy to have her home for the past seven days!! Her CF is just so advanced at this point that small things like temperature change can make it difficult for her to breath. We pretty much have this going to the hospital routine down pat! Shantel just amazes me. She faces every set back head on and never complains. She's more worried about leaving her dog Molly than she is about herself! I remember when we told her Mom had cancer. She was going through a third round of kidney stones and was in step down. The kid was in unreal amounts of pain and on painkillers but she was more concerned about how Mom was doing. She's just that way......super kind, considerate, always thinking of others and sweet!
We had our first transplant clinic visit yesterday. More to come on that!

1 comment:

  1. Hugsand Kisses Sweetie! I absolutely love your blog! Adam and Abigail and I are praying for you. Love, Sharon at Duke
